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UnBreak My Heart




  Angela Fattig

  All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer's imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental. Copyright @ 2015

  Published by Misfit Toy Publishing & Angela Fattig

  Cover art by: Cover Me Silly Designs

  Editor: Keen-Eye Editing

  Language: English

  ISBN-13: 978-1508611936

  ISBN-10: 1508611939





  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10


  Author Bio

  Where to find the Author

  More Books by Angela Fattig


  Sneaky aren’t I? You thought the next book that would be published was Shattered Dreams… then I would be writing Beauty and the Beast. I fooled you. Well, I fooled myself as well.

  That was the plan. I finished Shattered Dreams and sent it to the editor. Then I planned to take a day or two off and get started on Beauty and the Beast. However, you know what they say about best laid plans…

  I was sitting here thinking about Beauty and the Beast, the fact I’m sick, and how I planned to write feeling like crap when it hit me; a romantic comedy with a little spice thrown in. Up to this point you guys have seen dark romance from me so I want to show you that I do know what the light looks like. That I’ve at least had a glimpse of it once, or at least something that resembled it.

  Now without further ado let me introduce you to Mary and Andrew.




  UnBreak My Heart: Toni Braxton

  Forever and Ever Amen: Randy Travis

  Happy: Secrets in Stereo

  I Won’t Let You Go: Snow Patrol

  I Don’t Dance: Lee Brice

  U Got It Bad: Usher

  Learning to Live Again: Garth Brooks

  I Would For You: Chris LeDoux

  Let Me Hold You: Stoney LaRue

  When I Look Into Your Eyes: Firehouse

  Gotta Be Somebody: Nickelback

  Crash and Burn: Savage Garden

  Nobody Wants To Be Lonely: Ricky Martin

  Let It Hurt: Rascal Flatts

  Just When I Needed You Most: Randy Vanwarmer


  Two Years Earlier

  It’s another rainy day in the beautiful city of Seattle Washington. No, I’m not being sarcastic, I love Seattle, and I love the weather. I may be the odd one out, but I truly do. Although today, I’m not too happy. Like the rain cloud that is hovering over the city, I too have one over me. Today is my two year wedding anniversary.

  I’m on my way to pick Gabe up from a play date and can’t help but to allow my mind to wonder. With normal couples, it is a day to celebrate their unconditional love to one another. Me? It is my prison, a life sentence, one of my own making.

  To add insult to injury, I woke this morning with a bad feeling about today. I just knew deep down in my bones that today was not going to end well.

  I’m not a bitch. I do care about my husband, Michael, but I don’t love him and never did. Michael doesn’t love me either. We married because I got pregnant with Gabe.

  I was eighteen when I met Michael, and he was thirty-two. I like him and he enjoyed my company. One night, things got a little heated and I lost my virginity to him. The only good thing that came from that night was Gabe.

  The sex was painful, and Michael lasted long enough for him to get off. I, on the other hand, had to finish myself off in the bathroom after he rolled over and went to sleep.

  My life with Michael up to this point hasn’t been all that bad, but how can a person live without love, compassion, and warmth?

  Michael was forced to marry me when my parents found out about us. They wanted me to abort Gabe. Their reasoning; he was created out of wedlock and they wouldn’t support a bastard kid. I refused, of course, so Michael married me.

  Michael has always provided for us and we never wanted for anything. He is a wonderful father and lawyer. His work ethic and character are impeccable.

  Over the years, Michael has had his share of lovers on the side. Yes, I know about them all. He had them and I had Gabe. I love my son more than anything, but I fear that he is all I will ever have. Life is lonely for me. I can live without sex, but I can’t live without love. However, what man would want an already made family? If he would want children, he would want his own, not someone else’s. Yes, I sealed my own fate. I am doomed to always be alone.

  At twenty-three, I’m still pretty, with my medium length, brown, wavy hair, chocolate brown eyes, and medium height. After Gabe, my body filled out, so I’m a little curvier than I was at eighteen.

  I sigh and pull into the driveway where Gabe is waiting on the front porch for me. He is smiling and it’s that smile that keeps me going from day to day. Before I can get out of the car, my cell phone rings. Glancing at the screen, I frown as I don’t recognize the number. Shrugging, I answer it anyway. “Hello,” I say.

  “Mrs. Marsh?” the male voice asks.

  “Yes, this is she,” I say, “How can I help you?”

  “This is Det. Caloway with the SPD,” he answers. “Ma’am, I need to have a word with you. Are you at home?”

  My throat seizes. I knew today was not a good day. “No…” I squeak out, “No, Detective, I’m not. Is it something I can help you with over the phone?”

  I hear him sigh. “No ma’am,” he says, “When will you be home and I can meet you there?”

  My body goes cold and I’m finding it difficult to breathe. “I’m picking my son up from a playdate,” I say, “I can be home in twenty minutes.”

  “Thank you Mrs. Marsh,” he says, “I will meet you there.” Then the line goes dead.

  Placing the phone back into my purse and grabbing the umbrella, I knew that Michael wouldn’t be coming home, ever. I need to pull myself together so Gabe doesn’t ask questions. So, plastering a smile on my face, I hurried out of the car to my baby boy.


  “I love you to the moon and back, mommy,” Gabe says as I’m tucking him into bed. For a two year old, Gabe was very smart and could speak better than most four year olds.

  I smile, my heart filling with love, yet at the same time, with sadness and fear. Sadness for the husband that was murdered, and fear of a future that lay before us.

  “I love you too,” I whispered as my voice broke, “Don’t you ever forget it.”

  He yawns. “I won’t mommy,” he says turning to his side, “Night mommy.”

  I place one last kiss on my baby boys head and whisper, “Good night.” Leaving his room, I wonder just how to tell him his father is dead.

  I decide to have a nice hot bath. Maybe it will help me figure this whole damn mess out. Laying in the bath I know that I must tell him. I was lucky tonight when he asked. I told him that daddy went away on business. Gabe bought it, as Michael would often take a lover away for the weekend, so it wasn’t too hard to believe. As for me, I’ve never been alone, I don’t know how. Also, I don
’t have any friends. I’ve lived the last two years for Gabe.

  I feel the first tear start to fall, and before I know it they are streaming down my face. I cry for the man who lost his life needlessly. I cry for the little boy who will grow into a man without a father. I also cry for me; a sad and lonely soul who only ever wanted to be loved.

  I knew then that no matter what happened to me, I was going to make things right for Gabe, one way or another.

  Chapter 1

  Late Again

  “Shit, shit, shit,” I grumble as I search for my cell phone. Kaylee is late, which means I am going to be late for work, again. Why in the hell do I trust a kid? Oh Ya, I think, because she’s cheap.

  Gabe’s laughing at me and I flash a smile his way. “Mommy said a bad word,” he giggles.

  “Ha, Ha,” I say joking back, “If Kaylee doesn’t get here soon you’re going to hear mommy say more bad words.”

  This sets Gabe to a howling laugh. “Mommy is so funny,” he declares, as if this was anything new and I raise a brow.

  I hear the front door swing open. “Oh my god Mary,” Kaylee says walking into the room, “My mom was being a pain. I told her that I’m eighteen and therefore an adult. I’m so sorry I’m late.”

  I roll my eyes. “You mean again,” I ask. Kaylee likes drama. Wherever she goes it just seems to follow. I like her, I really do, but she is going to cost me my job.

  The corners of her mouth turn down. “I really am sorry, Mary,” she say in a low voice.

  I sigh as I feel sorry for her. Her mom really is a bitch. “It’s ok Kaylee,” I say, “Try not to let it happen again, ok?”

  She nods. “Thank you, Mary,” she says.

  I kiss Gabe, grab my purse, and head out the door. Michael may have set us up financially, but I still need to work.


  Stepping back out of the Coffee Nook bookstore, I shake my head. I can’t believe they fired me. Well, yes I can. This is like the fifth time in the last two months that I have been late.

  Felling depressed, I decide to grab my iPod and book from my car and walk around Seattle since it is a nice sunny day, which is a rarity. I’m not too far from Westlake Park and I love the fountain there. So, I will make it my first stop.

  I sit down with the other park goers and inhale deeply. I love the smells here. The beautiful colors of the flowers, and the wall waterfall, it seems like forever since I last took time for just me.

  As I stare at the wall of water, it dawns on me; today marks the day my late husband was murdered. It also shows how long I’ve truly been alone. What I wouldn’t give to have someone to love and be loved by, someone who can’t get enough of my body, mind, and heart.

  I want someone to say to me, “I wanna be your favorite hello and your hardest goodbye.” I want to sleep and wake in arms that love me.

  I sigh and shake my head as I turn on my iPod. Michael didn’t love me or want me. What makes me think anyone else will?

  My iPod comes to life and I hear Gotta Be Somebody by Nickelback begin to play. “I agree Mr. Kroeger,” I mumble, “There has got to be somebody, right?” ‘Only I knew the truth, there isn’t,’ I think as a tear escapes and slides down my cheek.


  Several songs and chapters later, I start to notice the drops of rain. Looking up, I see that the sky had grown dark and threatening. “Damn,” I mutter, collecting my things and standing. I never even noticed the darkening sky, now I’ll have to run and I still won’t make it back to the car before I’m dripping wet.

  I break out in a run as the rain starts pouring down hard and smile. I haven’t felt this free since before I met Michael. I slow my pace to enjoy the freeing feeling as UnBreak My Heart by Toni Braxton starts to play and I sing aloud with her.

  Chapter 2

  Finally Living

  I stretch and notice the clock. Shit, I’ve been working nonstop on this case for five hours, no wonder I’m so stiff. My stomach rumbles then, and since it’s close to eight in the evening, I will call it a night. This case will still be here tomorrow.

  I shut my computer down, put the file away, and stand, grabbing my jacket. Looking out the floor to ceiling window I see it’s pouring out, and I grab my umbrella and walk out of my office.

  “Late night, Mr. Kline,” I hear James, the night janitor, ask.

  I smile. “Isn’t it always,” I say jokingly.

  His smile widens. “You got that right,” he says, “You fancy lawyers ever sleep?”

  “Didn’t they tell you when they hired you?” I ask without a trace of a smile, “Lawyers are really vampires in disguise.”

  James just looks at me, the corners of his mouth twitching. “Good one, Mr. Kline,” he says as he throws his head back with laughter and I join him. “You,” he says trying to breathe, “Are a riot.”

  “That’s what I’m told,” I say slapping him on the back, “See you tomorrow, James.” He nods and I walk to the bank of elevators.

  Stepping out of Kline Towers, I open the umbrella. I had texted my driver on the elevator ride down and am just about to race to the car when I see her.

  My heart speeds up and I can’t breathe. She is beautiful, a sight to behold even soaking wet. She is running down the sidewalk, smiling and singing, badly I might add, at the top of her lungs. She has cast a spell over me and I haven’t even seen her eyes.

  I am directly in her path, but I can’t move, I am frozen to the spot and I know that at any second, she is going to crash right into me. I want her too. I have to know her name; I have to see her eyes. Just then, her body hits mine and I drop the umbrella as my arms go around her. She stumbles and I tighten my hold, keeping her from going over and she looks up. My god, those eyes, I gasp silently.

  “I’m,” she starts with a shaky voice, “I’m sorry. I wasn’t watching where I was going.”

  I release her, although I don’t want to, and smile. I don’t want her feeling the growing erection she’s causing just by looking at her.

  She reaches up and removes the ear buds from her ears. “It was my pleasure,” I say in a husky voice. “You are welcome to crash into me any time you want.”

  Her eyes grow large, I see her swallow, and her skin flushes. I know I’m having the same effect on her as she is on me.

  I step back a bit and extend my hand. “The names Andrew,” I say introducing myself. I don’t even care that I’m ruining a $5,000 suit by standing here in the rain.

  She wipes a shaky hand on her pants then realizes that it’s a moot point. She places her hand in mine and goes to respond. She stops with her mouth half open as I lift her hand to my lips and place a soft kiss on her knuckles. “I’m…” she stutters, “I’m Mary.”

  “Mary,” I say. I love the sound of her name on my lips. Apparently she does too as I see her sigh. “May I give you a lift somewhere?” I nod towards my car.

  She looks hesitant. I lean in close to her ear. “Don’t worry,” I whisper, my breath brushing her skin, “I don’t bite, unless you want me too.” Pulling back, I see that her skin has turned seven shades of red and she’s shivering. “What do you say, Mary? May I get you out of this rain before you catch cold?”

  She looks between my car and me. “But,” she says as her teeth start to chatter, “You’re a stranger. I don’t know your last name.”

  My smile broadens. “Is that all you’re worried about?” I ask. As beautiful as she is, she needs to learn to ask other questions or simply refuse. You just can’t trust people anymore. I step back more and bow, “Andrew Kline at your service.” I look up and wiggle my brows.

  She laughs as she’s shaking her head. “Are you the Andrew Kline?” she asks.

  I shake my head. “No,” I answer thanking my lucky stars that I am nothing like my womanizing father, “That would be my father. Now it’s your turn.”

  She laughs again and it is just about my undoing. Performing a curtsey she says, “Mary Marsh, it’s a pleasure, I’m sure, kind sir.”

nbsp; I take her hand back in mine and bring it to my lips. Touching my lips to the soft skin I whisper, “I believe the pleasure is all mine, Ms. Marsh.” I stand back up straight without releasing my hold on her hand. “I knew a Michael Marsh, a relation of yours?”

  The light suddenly goes from her eyes and I immediately regret asking. She looks away. “Yes,” she says in a small voice, “He was my husband.” Then she turns back, offers a half smile and shrugs.

  Gripping her hand tighter I sigh. I didn’t mean to make her unhappy. I turn, tugging her hand for her to follow. She didn’t protest, she just followed, her head hanging very low.

  As we approach the car, my driver, Jackson, steps out and opens the back door. “Evening sir, Ms.,” he says holding an umbrella over our already soaked bodies. I nod, helping Mary inside. “Sir, shall I retrieve your umbrella?”

  Mary slides to the center and fastens her seatbelt. I stand back up to see him smirking. He knows this beautiful creature has woven a web around me. I chuckle. “Please do, Jackson,” I answer, “Thank you.”

  As he rushing away, I hear him say, “It’s about damn time.” I can’t help but to laugh. He’s right, I think sliding into the care next to Mary.

  Settling in, I notice she’s trembling uncontrollably. “My god, Mary,” I say releasing her seatbelt. I pull her onto my lap without protest, “You’re freezing.”

  She snuggles into me. “Its… not… that… bad…,” she stutters and her teeth chattering. “You’re… so… warm…”

  I pull her tighter to my chest, praying she doesn’t notice my growing erecting. She starts to squirm to get even closer and I groan. “Mary, you have got to be still,” I say struggling to breathe.

  She looks up. “Why,” she asks and shifts once more. Her eyes go large and she adds, “Oh, my,” Then she looks away quickly.

  Jackson slips behind the wheel and pulls away from the curb. Mary jumps up and looks around. “Where are we going,” she asks in a panicked voice.