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UnBreak My Heart Page 4

  I’m watching him go, still holding Mary’s hand when Jackson speaks, “Here’s your suit sir. What time shall I pick them up?”

  “Eleven should be fine,” I answer and look at Mary, “Will that be fine?” She smiles and nods her head.

  “Will I be taking them back to your house?” he asks.

  “Yes,” I say, “Then I can meet them there. Now, if you two will excuse me, I need to get dressed.” I kiss Mary on the lips as Jackson walks back out to the car. “I’ll be right back, ok?”

  She nods and strokes my face. “Thank you,” she whispers, “For everything.” I smile, wink, and make for the bedroom.

  ‘Damn, I’ve hit the jackpot,’ I think.

  Chapter 9

  Waiting For My Forever

  Cinderella, Aerial, Snow White, and Sleeping Beauty; I feel like all of them rolled into one. I never dreamed I would ever find my Prince Charming, but I did, in a man named Andrew Kline.

  After Andrew left, Gabe and I finished breakfast and packed for the night. I’m still having reservations about everything that has transpired in the last twenty-five hours, but I promised that I would try.

  I shake it off for now as I smile, thinking about Gabe this morning when he threw his arms around Andrew. Then when Andrew invited us for the night, it was amazing to see his eyes light up. He made sure to pack his Ironman since they never got to play.

  I sigh, as I guess the worry will keep nagging at me until I have real proof that Andrew is in this for the long haul. It really doesn’t matter what happens to my heart, I just can’t bear to see Gabe hurt.

  Noticing that Gabe is oddly quiet, I stand to go look in on him when the doorbell chimes. Frowning, I look at the clock. Jackson shouldn’t be here for another couple hours. It chimes again, and I shrug and go to answer it.

  Standing on the other side is a smiling, petit older woman. Her eyes and facial features seem familiar, yet I can’t place her.

  “May I help you?” I ask.

  He smile brightens and there’s a twinkle in her eyes now. “He said you were beautiful, but my god,” she says, “He didn’t mention stunning as well.”

  Confused now more than ever, I frown, “I’m sorry,” I say, “I’m not following. Who are you looking for?”

  “You my dear,” she answers, “That is if you’re Mary.”

  “Yes,” I say, “I’m Mary and you are?”

  She laughs and extends her hand. “Silly me,” she says, “I’m always getting ahead of myself. I’m Gale Kline.”

  I take her hand in shock. Why is Andrews’s mom here? I wonder. I smile nervously. “Mrs. Kline it’s a pleasure,” I say, “Please come in.”

  She releases my hand, steps through, and turns towards me as I shut the door. “Please, call me Gale,” she says, “It would seem that we are practically family, that is if my son has anything to say about it.”

  I chuckle, feeling a little more at ease with her. “He does seem very determined,” I say, “We can chat in the living room.” I motion with my hand for her to go through and I follow.

  Once seated on the couch, she turns to me. “I can see from your eyes that you don’t fully trust him,” she says and I blush, “Its fine dear. I understand more than you know.”

  Frowning I say, “Andrew told me about you and his father. He said it was love at first sight.”

  She laughs and waves a hand through the air. “That’s the story AJ likes to tell,” she says.

  “AJ,” I question.

  “Andrew Sr.,” she informs me, “For him it may have been love at first sight. As for me, I thought he was a dirty minded man only after one thing.” She shrugs, “I did give him that one thing, but it was what happened after that did it for me.”

  “What happened,” I ask, sitting on the edge of my seat.

  She smiles with a light in her eyes. I can see she truly loves this man. “As we lay in bed that night,” she starts, “Him holding me tightly, he confesses his love and asks me to move in with him right away. You must understand that living together before marriage in his family was the cardinal sin. It was the sound of his voice and the light in his eyes that told me I could trust him. So I took a leap of faith and opened my heart.”

  “And you don’t regret any of it,” I ask, “I have a son to think about in all of this, not just me.”

  Her smile fades as she looks into my eyes. “Yes, I have one,” she admits, “I regret fighting him. If I had it all to do over, I would go back and change only that.”

  I sit there thinking over what she told me. She’s right, if I don’t take a leap of faith, then I will never know if what Andrew and I have is worth fighting for. I can’t be afraid to open my heart and I have to learn to trust.

  “I can see the wheels turning dear,” she says pulling me back to the present, “I take it something I said hit home, am I right?”

  I nod. “I told Andrew that I didn’t care if I got hurt,” I explain, “All I care about is Gabe.”

  She smiles. “And I’m sure my son agreed that Gabe should be first,” she says, “But dear, what about you? Don’t you also deserve to be happy? What about love? No one can live without love.”

  I look down at my hands. “That’s what Andrew said,” I supply, “I’m scared for Gabe and me, but you’re right. So far Andrew has been honest with me. He asked, or rather told me that Gabe and I would be moving in with him.”

  She laughs and covers her mouth. “That sounds a lot like what his father said to me,” she says. “You don’t have to believe me, but I’ve never seen him like this. Yes, he dates, but he never stayed with one girl for very long. I was so over the moon when AJ called me and said we finally have a daughter-in-law and grandchild.”

  I chuckle. “Does Andrew know that you’re here,” I ask.

  A look of horror crosses her face as her hand covers her chest. “Oh dear me, no,” she admits, “If he did, he would kill me. AJ also told me not to come, but he knew I wouldn’t listen.” She looks around the room then back to me. “Can I meet him?”

  “Of course,” I say standing, “Let me go and get him.”

  Walking into Gabe’s room, I find him asleep on the floor, holding his Ironman. Kneeling down next to him, I stroke his hair and he wakes.

  “Is Jackson here?” he asks in a sleep laden voice, “Is it time to see Andrew?”

  I smile. “You really like Andrew don’t you,” I ask.

  He nods and sits up. “I do,” he says, “He knows who Ironman is and he said he wouldn’t leave. Jimmy has a daddy that plays with him all the time. I want a daddy too.”

  My heart melts and breaks at the same time. Because of my need to protect Gabe, I’ve cheated him out of what he wants most. “You do understand that to have Andrew as a daddy we will have to move, right?” I ask, “We won’t live in this house anymore.”

  “I know,” he says, “I want to be with Andrew.”

  I stand and hold my hand out. “Then I will make it happen,” I say as he stands and places his hand in mine, “I have someone for you to meet ok?” He nods and we walk back to the living room.

  “Gale,” I say. She’s still sitting on the couch where I left her. She turns and smiles as we stop in front of her, “Gabe, this is Andrew’s mom.”

  Gabe releases my hand and steps closer. Gale is smiling brighter with a trace of moisture in her eyes. “What’s your name?” Gabe asks.

  “Gale,” she answers, “But you can call me Nana.” Gabe looks up at me, silently asking if it’s ok and I nod. “Andrew said you like Ironman. Is that right?”

  Gabe’s eyes light up. “You know Ironman too?” he asks, excitement evident in his voice.

  She nods. “I do,” she says, “So does Papa and Aunt Molly.”

  Gabe frowns. “Who’s Papa and Aunt Molly?” he asks.

  “Papa is Andrew’s daddy,” she explains, “And Aunt Molly is Andrew’s younger sister. You’ll meet them soon.”

  ‘I didn’t know Andrew had a sister,’ I think. I guess G
ale noticed the look on my face. “Don’t worry dear,” she says, “I didn’t know about AJ’s siblings for a few weeks. There’s plenty of time for the two of you to get to know one another.”

  I nod as the doorbell chimes. Looking at the clock I see that it’s about lunch time. “That would be Jackson,” I say walking towards the front entry, “Excuse me.”

  “Oh dear,” I hear Gale say chuckling, “Jackson will surely rat me out.”

  I’m laughing as I open the door. “Hello Jack…,” I stop in mid-sentence when I see that it’s not Jackson but Andrew standing there smiling from ear to ear. “Andrew?”

  It was in that moment that I knew; I knew that I loved Andrew. I knew that no matter what life hands us, he will never leave us and he will always love us.

  Chapter 10

  Finding My Forever

  “Hey baby,” I say stepping inside and pulling her into my arms, “Did I surprise you?”

  She wraps her arms around my neck and smiles. “Yes, but it’s a nice surprise,” she says as my lips cover hers.

  “Andrew,” Gabe screams as he comes barreling into my leg, wrapping his little arms around me. “Andrew, you came back.”

  I pull away from Mary laughing and picked him up. His arms then go around my neck and I hold him close. “I told you this morning I would,” I remind him, “Gabe there’s nothing in this world that would keep me from you and your mom.”

  “Good,” he says pulling away, “Nana said you wouldn’t.”

  I frown. “Nana,” I ask turning towards Mary.

  She chuckles and nods, lacing her arm through mine. “Come join the party,” she says pulling me into the living room.

  “Mom,” I say in surprise, coming to a stop, “What are you doing here?”

  She smiles and walks towards us. Kissing each of us on the cheek she says, “I approve Andrew. Now I’ll leave you, as I believe you have a lot to discuss. I’ll show myself out.” With that she leaves the room and walks out of the front door.

  I turn back to Mary more confused than before. “Talk,” I ask. She bites her bottom lip and nods. “About?”

  “Shouldn’t we be going?” she asks, moving to where she has their bags sitting. I place Gabe on the floor and walk towards her.

  “Mary,” I say lifting her face to mine. “Is everything ok?”

  “Ya,” she says in a shaky voice, “Everything’s fine Andrew.”

  “It doesn’t sound fine, baby,” I say, “Let me get Jackson to pick up some food and bring it here. I think we need to talk before going anywhere.” She nods and I pull out my cell, shooting him a text. Placing it back in my pocket, I take her hand and lead her to the couch to sit.

  “Ain’t we going to your home Andrew?” Gabe asks standing in front of me.

  I ruffle his hair. “Of course little man,” I say cheerfully, “We’ll eat here then you can take a quick nap while mom and I talk, ok?”

  He nods. “Can I go watch T.V. in my room,” he asks.

  I look at Mary before I answer and she nods. “Sure sport,” I say, “We’ll call you when the food gets here.” He smiles and shoots off to his room and I turn back to Mary. “Should I be worried?”

  She laughs nervously. “No,” she says, “It’s just your mom opened my eyes about a lot of things is all.”

  “Really,” I say, my brows shooting up in delight, “Would you care to enlighten me?”

  She smiles and my heart melts. “She just told me about how she really fell in love with your dad,” she explains, “And it made me realize that, if I continue to be afraid to open my heart, that Gabe will suffer. He’ll suffer more by me pushing all men away, and I need to take a leap of faith.”

  My breathing becomes difficult. Is she saying what I think she is? “What are you trying to say Mary,” I ask, needing conformation.

  She takes a deep breath. “I found my forever Andrew,” she whispers, “In a short period of time, I have found the happiness and love I have been looking for; I found Heaven, and possibly Hell at the same time, but in a good way. I’m not making any sense am I?”

  I nod slowly. “Heaven as in love,” I say, “And Hell as in the unknown, I completely understand as that’s how I feel. I’m in the same difficult spot you are. I’m afraid that by giving my heart to you and Gabe like I have and you never return what I feel… Well I try not to think of the Hell I would be in.”

  Tears are streaming down her face and I reach up to wipe them away. “I love you Andrew,” she confesses, “I know life isn’t perfect, but I think we could be perfect together.”

  I stop breathing and it feels as if my heart is going to rip from my chest. I cup her face and bring mine close. “I love you so fucking much,” I breathe against her lips, “You and Gabe. I never thought I could ever feel love so strong, so powerful and all consuming, but I do. It’s both a blessing and a curse, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  I take her mouth with mine. The fire in our love coming through as we drink from each other. Pulling back I whisper, “Move in tonight? I don’t ever want to be away from you. I need to know you’re there when I fall asleep and when I wake. I want to know that when I reach out in the middle of the night, I will feel your soft, warm body next to mine.”

  “Yes,” she whispers back, “Tonight.”

  I slip off the couch to one knee. I had planned to wait a while, but I just can’t hold back. Instead of working today, I spoke with dad and then went ring shopping. “Mary, in this crazy mixed up world, I found you,” I begin, “I wasn’t looking for love, nor did I think I was missing anything. Then a beautiful, brown haired woman ran into me and I lost my heart and soul. I know we’ll have our ups and downs, but together, nothing can tear us apart. I love you, will you marry me?”

  I wait with my heart in my throat. She’s sitting there, tears spilling down her cheeks and her hands are shaking. She holds my world in her hands. “Yes,” she whimpers, “Yes Andrew, I’ll marry you.”

  I stand, pulling her with me and produce a ring box from my pocket. Opening it, I pull it out and slip it on her finger. She looks at me confused. I shrug. “Instead of working, I made a few purchases,” I say, “A new bedroom outfit for Gabe and this ring for you. I prayed I hadn’t jumped the gun.”

  She smiles and looks down at the ring, “It’s perfect,” she says and looks up and into my eyes, “You’re perfect.”

  Brushing my lips across hers I whisper, “I love you.” Then claim her beautiful lush lips with mine. I finally found my forever.


  Today’s our one year anniversary and Mary said she has a surprise for me waiting at home. All I can think is that I hope it’s not like the last one. That one nearly killed me as I walked through the door and came face to face with what I thought was a horse.

  I learned that Gabe asked for a puppy and Mary found him a Great Dane puppy. I argued that it wasn’t a puppy if a six foot three inch man can look it in the eyes. And the drool, don’t even get me started on that.

  Mary just laughed, kissed me, and said I love you. That did it for me. The woman can have as many horses as she wants as long as she never stops loving me.

  The day Mary said she loved me, I moved them into my four bedroom red brick home and we married a month later. Granted we’ve had a couple ups and downs, but we agreed that as long as we had three things we would be fine; trust, communication, and love. No one can live without love.

  As I step through the door, I expected to be attacked by Gabe and the horse, but it was only Mary standing there, with a smile from ear to ear. I smile back. “Where’s Gabe,” I ask.

  She wraps her arms around my neck and places a kiss on my lips. “Gabe is with your mom,” she says, “As well as the horse.”

  I pull her close and nuzzle her neck. “The possibilities,” I say.

  She laughs slapping my chest. “Come on,” she says pulling me behind her and up the stairs, “I want to show you what I did today.”

  “Uh-oh,” I chuckle, “Do
I really want to see this.” Then she opens the door to one of the guest rooms and steps aside. My breath catches. In front of me is the most beautiful nursery I’ve ever seen. “Mary; is this what I think it is,” I ask, stunned.

  She chuckles. “You know for a lawyer you’re not too smart,” she jokes, “Yes Andrew, we’re going to have a baby.”

  I’m silent a little longer, taking the room in and trying to wrap my mind around the fact that she’s pregnant. “Mary,” I say swinging around and gathering her into my arms, “You have truly made me the happiest man in the world. Thank you.” Then I’m kissing her, our tongues entwined and dancing the age old language of love.

  “I love you Andrew,” she whispers, breaking the kiss, “You have done everything you said you would, including mending my broken heart. Thank you for loving me and Gabe.”

  I pull her closer, tightening my hold on her. “Always and forever baby,” I say taking her lips again.

  An unexpected encounter…

  A chance meeting…




  Author Bio

  Angela Fattig spent most of her childhood reading any book she could find. That's when her passion of writing was born. When she was 10, she started writing short stories and poems and kept quite a collection.

  In 1998, she met Paul and they have shared a life together for 16 years. In 1999, she introduced the world to her first born, Brandi, and again in 2000, Sarah.

  Today, when she is not doing what she loves, writing, she spends time with her beautiful family and the addition of two dogs, named Izzy and Herly.

  In 2015, Angela started Misfit Toy Publishing. Her need to help others out weighted everything else. To date, Misfit has signed six authors and is going strong.

  Angela's inspirations have always been Stephen King, Dean Knootz, Anne Rice, E L James, and Poe to name a few.